Monday, January 21, 2008

D.C. Excursion

I went down to D.C. this weekend to visit my sister. The whole family was there, The Parents, The Sister, The Brother-in-Law, The Dog-Nephew.

I love my family, BUT it feels that when we're together people are always unintentionally taking sides/ feeling attacked. For instance, if my sister and I disagree with The Mom, she feels as though we are ganging up on her. And often I feel attacked because I am the youngest, and people always seem to have it in their head (despite how old the young one is) that they are naïve, and slightly daft. They don't want to acknowledge whatever intelligence I have. Even when I kill them in Scrabble.

My sister usually forgets she's supposed to be on my side. So, when I'm relaying some grievance I may have with the 'rents she argues for them, and then remembers that siblings are supposed to be in on it together and quickly changes her tune.

She's also getting into family planning mode. Scary stuff.

All family stuff aside, D.C. is a really cool city. My sister lives in Capitol Hill and its really beautiful. Though, there are a lot of ritzy shops and Yuppies around the Eastern Market area. I did, however, stumble upon this crazy used book store on a side street a block past the market. It was 3 floors of floor to ceiling shelves of bookcases that were packed together so tightly it was hard to move. It was a little pricey for used bookstores, but I was in heaven. I'm at a point where I no longer find main-stream first run book stores enjoyable. I really enjoy the hunt for treasures hiding in stacks and behind other books. I found this big-ass book of Icelandic Sagas, way cool. In the front they had all these books on display and they had a copy of Mein Kampf and they had a little tag that said: "Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. Not signed."

I so want to work in a used bookstore. Maybe when I move to Boston after graduation. We shall see.

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