Unrelated photo. I was intending to write a little ditty on this Jasper John's exhibit I saw at the Met a few weeks ago - but I have other more urgent and pressing matters on my mind like:
- Why wasn't I born Scottish?
- Where can I get my hands on some retired vhs tapes?
- If I we were born with no knees would we really have evolved into the super beings we are today?
Well, only kidding - these are answerable:
- Because God hates me
- Goodwill (but sacrificing quality)
- Yes - but we'd be doing the goose walk and then what would there be to distinguish us from nazis?
I read an interesting article today in "Philosophy Now" (a magazine I've never heard of until today) - it stod out to me on the magazine rack because there was this picture of an eyeball and it said "PARANOIA" in large alluring letters. Obviously I had to get my greasy mitts on it.
Anyway - this particular article had something to do with Kierkegaard and self-deception. I'm a little fuzzy on the details - you know how all that philosophy stuff goes - but it said that most humans don't think that they would ever decieve themselves or are capable of it. Which, of course, is actually untrue - people are decieving themselves all the time. For instance there is a large collection of people out there (we will lable them the "average citizens") who think they have very deep-rooted beliefs and can't imagine every sacrificing these beliefs: but usually when convenient they do. HOWEVER they don't actually think they are compromising any values.
Exhibit A: someone is morally opposed to stealing yet pirates boatloads of music and movies off of the internet. Becasue this person is not actually going into a store and stealing that crap they are decieving themselves into thinking they are still adhering to their orginal code of not-stealing. Or something.
This is relevant because I have been having an inner-dialouge about whether or not I should pierce my face in some fashion. I pride myself on looking tinge abnormal (nothing extreme, mind you, but enough to separate me from the drones in my presence) but I have always felt that a piercing of somesort might place me in a whole new stratasphere of "uniqueness" or some crap like that. But, by thinking a piercing would make me unique is a form of self-deception. Piercings have become in themselves another form of conformity. They are now the cop-out crutch people use to feign whatever artistic image they're trying to give off. So, I don't think I'll be sticking that needle in my face at this juncture in time. Thank you Kierkegaard.
Its easy to decieve yourself.
Like I've been eating great handfuls of Carob chips (because they're so damn good and dairy free) but I keep thinking I'm actually eating chocolate chips becasue of their uncanny resemblence! Unheard of!
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