So, I am really goddamned bored. So bored that I decided to shave a decent portion of hair off the right side of my head. I do not regret this (really). I do admit, it looks a bit strange and gives me a bad-ass air that I don't really think I deserve. But frankly, I am so fucking tired of the monotony. Yes yes yes my life is altering dramatically blah blah blah but PLEASE I have 8 weeks until graduation and NOTHING is happening in those 8 weeks.
Life changing events really like to take their sweet time. I mean, so many transitions! But I've been saying that for months and it just keeps dragging on and I mean COME ON PEOPLE I need something
So I've just been watching Daria on youtube, thinking about my head, eating pretzels and feeling like a fat lazy tard. But suprisingly, I'm kind of....happy? Whatever that means in my sick and twisted little world.
My dad is weird.
He doesn't like my irrational change of hair style because he doesn't think its original enough. He says anyone can shave off a clump of hair and look artsy or alternative or whatever the hell they want - its too easy. He does have a point. This coming from a man who used to wear public.
But I'm not doing it to look "different" I was okay with they way I looked before (well, as okay as a teenage girl can be). I just want to shake things up a bit. I have college to try and be attractive. If I'm going to do something ugly I may as well do it now. And so I have.
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