For 2008, I have decided to sit down and embrace the internet as a theraputic tool. I had let powers of facebook take over my life, and since then decided the internet was far too heavy and modern and powerful to waste my time with. But I have come crawling back.
The other blogs I tended to in the past are far too old and full of ugly portraits of myself to refresh.
Yes, 2008 will be the year of the new blog. It will be better than any before it. Ich hoffe.
Usually, as the year comes to an end, I begin to reflect upon the past 365 1/4 days.
Here are some of my conclusions:1- It's more worth my while to read the books rather than pine for people to talk about them with.
2- Forcing myself to dislike things will only cause pain and humiliation.
3- The more time spent on outfit, the worse it looks.
4- There will be many suprises.
5- Europeans understand public transportation.
6- Being with people can be just as fullfilling as being alone.
7- Subir une épreuve!
8- The Atlantic is very big and phone calls to Germany are very expensive.
9- Charles Dickens knows his stuff.
10- My hair cannot be tamed.
Writing helps solidify the moment.
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