The holidays have been over for about 3 days. The family is gone, the house is clean. This means I have more time than I know what to do with. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it) I have little (pretty much none) homework. The time I have spent away from this goddamn computer has been artistically productive.
1- Major progress on the Vampire saga I've been working on for Creative Writing (for the past 4 months!)
2- 4 poems have been written. 1 has been started. 2 others have been edited.
3- Major headway on the canvas I started in August.
4- Repair work on a canvas from last December.
5- 2 meaningless sketches.
6- planning for a new canvas. Research in progress on lawn tractors and obese people.
7- Knitting of neckwarmer has begun.
I have also been productive in other areas (productivity, I realize, is relative):
1- I am starting to construct my pinhole camera. Photography is only difficult for me because I am crap with machines, this is why I rely on pens and paints and papers.
2- 4 episodes of the X-Files have been watched, and I have 6 more before I am finished with season 4! Looks like I need to order some more.
3- I have been able to start the book my dad has wanted me to read called, Defying Hitler.
4- My new Elliott Smith CD has been allotted serious listening time.
5- I have also (finally) been able to listen to some of the LPs I bought last month. I very much enjoy the mysterious Japanese bamboo flute one.
6- The Nutella has not been touched for the time being, so I am safe. I know once the jar is opened, it is the beginning of the end. I'll just close my eyes when I walk through the kitchen.
I am perfectly content to while away the hours in my fleece pants and grungy sweatshirt. I don't need to dress for anyone, and I don't plan on leaving the house (until tomorrow, that is). Going 3 consecutive days not exiting my home and staying in loungy garments is actually a God send. This past semester I was on the end of my rope. For the first time in a very VERY long time I feel very little stress and a lazy grungy me is actually a happy me. I am not fit for public, but that notion is surprisingly settling. No expectations! I think slaves to appearance and fashion must consume an unhealthy amount of caffeine; they need to spend a few days in sweats watching 90s TV shows. Everyone needs to spend a few days doing that. Screw spas.
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