So, my new year started off pretty damn good (quite Maude-like, if I might add). I went to the Dresden Dolls new years masquerade music and merriment extravaganza!
This band has helped me get through high school. I have played their CDs more times than any in my entire collection. I connect to what they have to say. They're also the only other band (I know of) that makes references to WW2 and German: something I appreciate wholeheartedly. I remember discovering them and being like: "wow, how is it possible they fit me so perfectly?" They have an amazing ability to blend the sinister, the glamorous, the intelligent, the ironic, the whatever. Everything I love they are. It is fabulous.
It was also just amazing to know that they are in the EXACT same place that I was. Amanda came out in the audience and was next to me, actually fucking beside me. I love this woman, she is one of the most inspiring women that I know (something to do with the fact that her music is the soundtrack to my life, and that being famous hasn't gone to her head) and I was she was like right there. I guess its a similar experience to when catholics visit the pope (or something).
Anyway, they put on an amazing concert. I like how it wasn't like a sit down watch us do a set wham bam thank you ma'am kind of event. The other acts weren't like warm-up bands but separate entities all to themselves (hence musical extravaganza). And they had a circus performer, how cool is that?
They also appear as real people. They screw up, they drink beer, they talk to us. They're not just cold musicians up there giving off the impression that they have somewhere better to be.
I took friends who weren't really fans (not b/c they don't like them, just b/c they really don't listen) and it was really quite awesome introducing this amazing fucking band to them in that way. I can't think of a better introduction. And for me, it was great to actually be squished up against a shit load of people who also knew the words and worshipped them as much as I did. I felt like I was a part of something greater, as opposed to my previous solitary relationship with them.
Long live the Punk Cabaret, I guess.